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Satan’s Strategy for Your Marriage

Writer's picture: Chopo MwanzaChopo Mwanza

Marriage is instituted by God and is commended in the scriptures as honourable. The fact that marriage is God’s plan means the devil has a plan and strategy for marriage and Christian couples. In many ways, spiritual warfare takes place in the context of marriage and the home. Indeed, since the first couple, Satan has been unrelenting in his attack on marriages. Christian couples must not be ignorant of the schemes of Satan so that they are not outwitted by him (2 Corinth 2:10). Here are four ways Satan seeks to undermine God’s plan for your marriage.


Adam and Eve, the first couple, enjoyed a sweet fellowship with God. Satan, through the serpent, tempted them to question the goodness and wisdom of God (Genesis 3). He questioned the goodness of God’s plan for them. “Did God really say?” “You will surely not die.” “God knows your eyes will be opened if you eat.” He is hindering you and holding you back. This strategy was to drive a wedge between God and the couple. And when God appeared, the people who enjoyed his presence were hiding.

The constant temptation couples face is disregarding God’s word and way. Society is full of counsel and philosophies about marriage that are not in line with God’s word. Satan will sometimes use friends, family and social media to peddle lies masked as half-truths, to break the fellowship between couples and God.


When a couple no longer enjoys fellowship with God, it is not long before a wedge is driven between them. Not only were Adam and Eve hiding from God, but they were now turning against each other. Adam, who was earlier declaring his love and adoration of Eve, is now claiming she is the problem. Oneness and fellowship between the couple are entirely broken.

It is also interesting that Adam was present while his beloved wife was harassed with falsehood by Satan. In Christian marriage, husband and wife become one. They are united physically, spiritually, emotionally and in purpose and goal. Sadly, it is common to see couples live separately and be comfortable with the situation. And some live together, but are like strangers living a lodge, each with their own plan and goals. Couples living with no shared life, goals and purpose is music to the devil’s ears.


One of the wonderful outcomes of oneness in marriage is the openness, vulnerability, and security that couples enjoy. Shame, fear, and guilt were not God’s design for the marriage. Though, not necessarily wrong in themselves, they are an indicator that oneness has been broken.

In God’s design for marriage, couples lay their burdens, struggles, sins, folly and weakness to bare. And they do so in the safety and confidence that they have a companion to do life with and help them grow. In such a relationship when sin takes place, confession, repentance and forgiveness are the order of the day. As a result of sin, we read that fear and shame crept into their life and marriage and they saw the need to cover themselves. That was of course part of Satan’s strategy.


Satan approached Eve to undermine Adam’s authority. The passivity of Adam further exasperates the situation. And his response to God is as shocking and is it comical. He blames Eve and God for his state of affairs. The one who claimed was bone of my bone, was not to blame for his present predicament and failure.

God’s design for marriage is oneness and unity, Satan’s strategy is bringing division and encourage rivalry between couples. Is it in wonder, that accusations, blame shifting, and complaints are the order of the day between couples? When you view your spouse as your rival, your marriage will be war and your home the battle ground, there will be landmines and grenades everywhere. And the only time your marriage will thrive is when you are apart or the other leaves. Could it be the reason that some couples are too eager and comfortable living apart?


Dear Christian couples, do not believe in the lies that marriage is a smooth sailing fairly tale, where you magically and effortlessly enjoy bliss and romantically experience butterflies. Marriage is work, it requires soberness and dedication. And your walk with the Lord has bearing on the success and health of your marriage. You must also live with the awareness that you have a potent enemy with a strategy for you and your marriage. So hear the admonition the Lord,

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

1 comment

1 comentário

Kashiba Chowa
Kashiba Chowa
02 de set. de 2024

Word 🫡beautiful insight,thankyou so much for this .



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